Smash Hour


Daniel Crosby, Public Relations Manager

Smash Hour is an hourlong event that happens 6:00pm to 7:00pm. It is held in Davis 009 and 011. Super smash bros ultimate is a popular game because it is a fun fighting game that lets you play popular characters. This social event is held to have people who have the same love for the game or just want to do a fun event with fellow students of landmark. Even though it is run by the Peers group anyone can come to the event. Any number of people can go on the event, but only 8 at max can play in one room at a time. However, if you are not of the initial group of 8 you will get a turn because the players are always shifted out. It is a type of fun competitive but being a good sport is enforced. The 009 room is for those with more experience while the 011 is for beginners and people who have not played in a long time. There is a vending machine nearby. Also, we sometimes have leftovers from other peer events. They like the fact they can just have fun and play games with friends.