The Landmark College library is a great place to get support with finding sources for a research paper and hosts workshops for a lot of courses with different topics related to the class. There are lots of opportunities to get help with research topics and help with papers. They can also help you with finding books in the databases for a class or if you are a book lover. The library is a place where you can make a few friends and go do homework and there are many different places in the library to do that. Also, when your class does a workshop with one of the librarians you get a lesson on how to search the databases for sources and to start a research paper.
Catherine Brogan, Director of Operations for Voices had a chance to speak with Library staff Jamie Harvey, Jennifer Lann and Mary Jane MacGuire about their roles and the impact the Library has on the LC community. Here are some excerpts from the interviews.
“The library is often called the heart of campus, and it truly is both in its central location and as a welcoming space, safe space. We are always here to greet you with a smile, answer your questions, and provide the support you need. Whether you’re seeking resources, need help with research, want a peaceful place to relax, hang out, or do your homework, the library is here for you.” –Jamie Harvey research services librarian
“I love how easy it is to continue to learn new facts, ideas, and ways of looking at the world. Not only do I have a full physical and digital library at my fingertips whenever I wonder about something, the questions that others ask me as a librarian prompt me to learn about things I might never have considered exploring. I also enjoy connecting people to the information they seek. I would like students to feel comfortable in the library, finding the spaces that feel the best for them. I know that many students often come here for the space rather than the resources, but I hope that those students find their curiosity piqued by a book they see here. For students who come to the library with a personal interest in a topic, I’d like them to find what they seek and to ask us to help connect them with resources beyond our collection when needed, through interlibrary loan or through purchase recommendations. I’d like them to feel at ease asking us questions, library-related or not. For those students here for a research assignment, I’d like them to ask questions of the sources they find, deepening both their curiosity and information literacy. –Jennifer Lann director of the library
“I really enjoy seeing students become more comfortable and confident in the research process and the evolution of their research skills overall. I see librarians as having a unique role that is educational in nature even though we aren’t faculty. I enjoy working with faculty to help incorporate aspects of information literacy into classes so that students become more confident learners, using research skills throughout their lives to better inform their choices both in and out of the classroom. What I hope they gain, depends on their level of ability and exposure to research. In the beginning gaining a better understanding of what research is and how to navigate the tools is a wonderful start and as they evolve as learners adding more complex processes and skills is essential. Ultimately, I hope they leave Landmark with an understanding of how to find, critically evaluate and use information in an appropriate and ethical manner no matter what the situation. –Mary Jane MacGuire research services librarian
There are more than just books at the library; you can get the resources that you need and the support. The library is open weekdays from 8:30 AM -12:00 AM Monday-Thursday, Fridays from 8:30-10:00 pm, and Sundays from 12:00 PM – 12:00 AM. Here are the email addresses you can use to contact the library for any support: Mary Jane Maguire, [email protected], Jamie Harvey [email protected], and Jennifer Lann [email protected].