I scream, you scream, we all scream for festive Halloween movies. The Stone Hall residence life team and Center for Women and Gender will host a showing of the movie Scream. Do you feel like the word scream is appearing too much here? Scary filmgoers will be offered various treats like candy, popcorn, and apple cider to snack on while they watch helplessly in horror. Snacks are chosen to ensure that you have as much trouble picking them out of your teeth as possible. Just kidding. Everyone is welcome to don and show off their costumes. Just don’t bring the real mask from the movie unless you feel like having a lawsuit filed against you. The screening of the movie will be held in Admin Auditorium in the Administration Building. Staff will be sure to administer the most enjoyable time you have had watching a horror film. Doors open at 8:00 PM (the spookiest time of the day) and close at 10:00 PM so your mind can process quality material for your nightmares.