Welcome to the weekly Minecart, a weekly story about the events in Thomas Kuzma’s Landmark Minecraft server.
As we embark on the Spring semester, there is a lot to catch up on. Before the break, the students embarked on a challenge to fill Kuzma Wharf with various shops. Students each claimed a plot on the dock and were given two free building materials to make their shop.
In the next two weeks, students then built up and worked on their creations, and what came out of the challenge was a breadth of creativity and a shopping dock.

There were some pre-existing shops built by some pre-existing server members selling various items, such as candles. With the new shops, I also decided to move the “Kuzma” sign to just off the railroad track going overhead.
I worked with TK to expand the wharf and finalize it for the challenge. Here below are some pictures from the challenge. The director of Social Pragmatics at Landmark College had an opportunity to review and pick her favorite of the shops.
Some observant people may have noticed what looked like a cruise ship in the distance in one of the pictures above. You are correct, there is a cruise ship in the works! More to come on that in the fourth volume of this series. In addition, we’ll cover my latest creations and the upcoming Olympic challenges coming up for a future series soon.
If you want to join Minecraft Night, the session meets weekly on Mondays from 8-10 P.M. online and in Davis Hall #002. (Only open to LC Students)