Welcome to the Minecart, a desk report about the events in Thomas Kuzma’s Landmark Minecraft server. Founded in July of 2022 for the Early Student Orientation, it was created for Landmark Students to socialize with each other through the love of a game. As a regular story, I decided to cover the latest in what’s happening on the server.
For our first edition, we participated in the great boat-building challenge. The rules are simple, you could build anything creative, in a selected plot. There were many incredible creations, such as a set of boats, a replica of a Minecraft boat, a Boathouse, and more. Voting has opened for the best boat, and I can’t wait to see which one wins.
Another new addition to the server is a course of rings for Elytra which TK has been working on for the past 2-3 weeks and is a fully functional course that may get used for an event down the line.
If you want to join Minecraft Night, the session meets weekly on Mondays from 8-10 P.M. online and in Davis Hall #002. (Only open to LC Students)