Slam and Create Photos
The big VCP sign to show where you can do your photos
March 17, 2023

On Thursday February 16th, I did my first photography event at the Vermont Center for Photography (VCP). I went to do a photo slam, where I present 20 photos in 10 minutes with each photo talked about for 20 seconds. The process was super fun! Picking the photos was hard because I have a lot of great photos. I got to meet new and exciting people who had the same interests the same thing as me. I had put all my photos on VCP’s computer before I presented, and the guy that welcomed me was super nice.

VCP it is a nonprofit organization that does photography. It has three main spaces: the darkroom, digital lab, and the main gallery. They have a lot of events, where artist and photographers that come in. The events are for anyone to come in and see or present art. For example, the open portfolio night each month and open lab days. VCP is really small, but the main gallery is the biggest space and it has photos everywhere you look.

During the event I was not nervous about presenting my photos, I was mostly excited! That day was the first time I presented my photos to the public. I was so proud of how I came up with everything I wanted to say on the spot. There were only ten people in the crowd, and seven presented their work. I found it was also interesting watching the show because I could see a different perspective about how they shoot their photos. I got really nice feedback from the person running the event and the people in the audience at the end.