The Adventures of Finn D. Shark: Dreaming of WLMC

Finn D. Shark, LC Voices Roaming Reporter & LC Mascot



Hello again friends! Welcome back to the blog, I’m so glad that you’re here! Oh- I like it a lot! It’s just not as much fun to be here when you’re not! I think that’s from an old TV show that had a cat wearing a hat… ANYWAY! Welcome back one and all! Today’s tale is a short one but seemed awfully real yet unreal at the same time.


I had just settled in for a nap. I’ve been taking a lot more time to sleep lately, though I’m not entirely sure why. Boy oh boy, it was the best sleep I had in a LONG time! I quickly fell into a deep sleep and suddenly, I was inside the famous WLMC Radio Station! No really, the WLMC Radio Station is nationally acclaimed which is sweet! I found myself wandering through the studio but for some reason I was alone with no understanding of why I was there. Then, suddenly, I heard an alarm! The alarm was blaring, and a voice came on that said, “MR. THE SHARK YOU’RE ON THE AIR!” I panicked and didn’t know what to do.


I remember taking a deep breath and then I began spinning vinyl and talking about how a celebrity shark goes about their day-to-day life. You know, I’d argue it was one of the best performances I have ever given in my whole life! Although… nobody could see my face so that was a tragedy in itself… As we approached the top of the hour I heard a loud bell chiming and just like that I awoke. I guess the phrase, “just like clockwork” really means something huh?


It was a great dream, but the funniest part about it was that I’ve been a DJ for years now! In fact, you can listen to me every night from 4:00 AM-6:00 AM on WLMC Night Owl! Geez, that seemed like a shameless marketing plug…


I’ve been sleeping so much lately that sometimes when I wake up, I just feel this tingly sensation. It makes me- OWIE!!!!!!! OUCH! OUCH! That was NOT a normal sensation by any means… something weird is going on here. I think I need to disappear for a bit folks- I need to get to the bottom of why there’s so much pain this semester.


I WILL be back. I’m not sure how long it’ll take to figure this out, but I will. I promise. Don’t forget about me in the meantime folks. I think I’ll probably return in about three weeks, maybe four. When I come back, I’ll have this mystery solved… hopefully. Hang in there sharks, I think this is where things might start to get a bit bumpy for your old pal Finn D. Shark.


Remember- Keep Moving Forward!

-Finn D. Shark

LC Voices Roaming Reporter & LC Mascot