Wings of Rebellion

Greg Despines, Associate Director of Sales and Marketing

Editor’s Note: This is part of an ongoing story. To access other chapters, use the “Wings of Rebellion” tag at the bottom of the story, or click here.

This scene is from first issue of a story series. The main protagonists, Sam McCane and Diego Wilson, are going to join the W.O.R. demon hunting corps. But first they have to pass a trial: retrieving a rare ore called Paradiso silver. This ore is used to make weapons despite being really rare, and now our heroes travel to Norway in the woods where Paradiso silver is the most common. Sam and Diego’s objective is to find a cave in the woods. They’ve started their trial about a week ago.

Diego: You have no idea how ridiculous this is! It’s already been a week and we still haven’t found that stupid cave. This ore better be worth it.

Sam: Relax, Diego. Raphael said this wouldn’t be easy. The cave is here. We just have to keep looking.

Diego: Wait, I think that’s it right there.

Sam and Diego spot a cave. Hopefully, they’ll find what they’re looking for in there.

Sam: Nice, all we have to do now is find the silver and the trial will be good as done.

Diego: Alright, let’s get searching.

Sam: Wait, don’t you remember what Annie said? She said that there could be a bear living in there, so we have to be really careful.

Diego: I almost forgot about that.

Sam and Diego enter the cave and start looking for the Paradiso silver. Luckily, there aren’t any bears around.

Diego: Come on. It’s got to be around here somewhere.

Sam: Don’t give up just yet. I’m sure we’ll find it soon.

Out of nowhere, a beam of light emits far in the cave. Sam and Diego follow it to the end of the trail.

Sam: Hey, you think this is it?

Diego: It has to be. I’m not spending another week in these woods.

Sam and Diego start digging where the light was coming from and they can’t believe what they find.

Diego: Oh my god! Is this what I think it is?

Sam: We did it. We actually found our silver, ha-ha!

Diego: Finally, we can get out these damn woods. I can finally stop sleeping on the ground and look for my own food.

Sam: Alright, I’m going to contact Annie right now and tell her we got the silver.

Sam contacts Annie that he and Diego got the Paradiso silver and eventually Sam and Diego finally go home.