Legendary Coach Comes Out of Retirement
Landmark Sports Reamping Baseball and Basketball This Coming Season.

October 11, 2022
Landmark College has received a new basketball and baseball coach for this semester. However, this coach may look familiar to some alumni.
Coach John Wood has decided to come back out of retirement…after four years, he will again coach the basketball and baseball teams. One person who was very excited to hear the news about Coach (as he is commonly known around campus) coming back was Josh Ascani, Assistant Director of Recreation and Outdoor Programs of the Click Center Gymnasium. This was his reaction, hearing that “Coach” was returning; “Very Exciting because I know that he has the experience like I said, everything that we want in a coach in so many ways without being able to directly speak on his styles in practice. So, I was really happy.”
Ascani would even explain Coach’s vision and goals for both teams this semester and what skills Coach brings to the table. “I think he is pretty in line with what we have always tried to strive for. Whether other coaches brought that to the table or not depends on their skill set,” said Ascani. Coach wants to motivate this current generation of students who have not played in a while for the team. As Ascani reflects, “He brings recruitment from inside the institution, just being in the residence hall talking to the students every day and is able to bring people onto the team.” He has the determination and desires to get what needs to be done for the team to succeed.
Coach Wood, who has been a Residential Dean for Landmark College and a coach to this school for many years, has also made some strong impressions on students. One of them is a third-semester student, Jay Pariser. According to Pariser, “Coach Wood is more lenient towards students as an RD but still tough to certain regards.” Pariser mentioned, “as a coach, he would put us through lots of tests.” When talking about hopes for the future with baseball, Pariser says, “to schedule more games and work on the hitting and muscle memory.” Coach Wood is excellent on the field but is equally skilled on the court.
With Men’s basketball games just around the corner, Wood’s coaching skills will be front and center again. The men will have a showdown in early November with the Rhode Island School of Design. Justin St. Martin, a Volunteer at Putney Fire and Rescue and a current Landmark basketball player, lamented about past games, “We really have not won too many games. It was a little rough.” Even though he sounded defeated, he has high hopes for Coach Wood to return to the lineup. “We are going to have set plays, and we are actually going to be competing against a lot more schools this year, so it should be good.”
Off the court, John Wood has been a Residential Dean, or RD, for over five years at Landmark. He has seen several students come and go, most of whom have walked away saying he is one of the best. Justin St. Martin, a student at Landmark College, pointed out after living in Bridges for 1 year, “Oh, he is great as an RD. I have had no issues with him.” Wood has made a point to say hello to his residents if he is outside, walking his dog, or on duty. You can have a conversation with him whenever you want, and he is open to anything.” The other week, Wood allowed St. Martin to pull the fire alarm panel for Chumley B’s fire drill. St. Martin was ecstatic when he was told he could do that. “It was great. I never have done it before” recalled St. Martin. Coach Wood may be easy to talk to, but he can also have some fun with his residents. Even though there are exciting times in the dorms, this excitement can transition to the basketball court.
“We had an agreement with him for two years,” Ascani stated briefly. So, the question that students at Landmark College are now facing is whether he will resign after the two years or even if he stays as an RD. Sadly, at the time of print, we could not get a response from John Wood.